Thursday, February 24, 2011


There was one in particular thing that this story shows that I believe any reader has some kind of experience with.  The narrator becomes intensely fascinated/infatuated with Mangan's sister.  It is interesting how he is almost creepy about his infatuation.  He even goes as far as following her while she walks for a little while.  Maybe not to this extent, but I believe each of us has experience with infatuation and that yearning to know someone.  Even the way he becomes nervous to the point of not being able to talk to her is realistic.  I can recall times when I would be infatuated with someone to the point of not focusing on school work, work or various other responsibilities; because of this, I can relate easily to this story.  

I like also how the story shows that perhaps it is not best to plan things in your life.  The fact that the narrator attempts to go to the bazaar and buy Mangan's sister something shows that he planned a lot for this to happen.  Although the plans were perfect, the execution is not always what one could expect.  Due to his uncle's tardiness, the narrator arrives at the bazaar just as it is closing. Sadly enough, he is unable to buy Mangan's sister anything, but it shows that not everything goes according to plans.  Therefore, I took the message that we shouldn't put so much hope in our plans, when plans so easily fail.

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